Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Grandma Ginny and Carter

So, I guess I skipped right past Thanksgiving this time! Oops. Life these days is kind of a whirlwind. Seriously, where did 2011 go? It has gone by faster than any other year. We started of the year with a surprise gift from Jesus - that would be little Carter man. Kylie was busy with kindergarten and dance, voice, and piano. Jackson was keeping us all on our toes as he continues to be "all boy" and pretty much do everything very curious and adventurous boys do.

I feel like I will look back on this year and it will all be blur! Between work, lack of sleep and keeping up with three kids, I feel like each day just goes by and I can't even remember how I got to the evening!!!

Kylie is doing so well in school. Her teacher says she is such a joyful child, which makes my heart so happy. She has such a great smile, in fact, her whole face smiles! I hope she never loses that joy she has in her heart. It is contagious and people are so drawn to her, because who doesn't want to be around a joyful heart? She is loving horse riding lessons and is getting to know the different personalities of the horses. It's funny how they each have their own personalities. Her teachers love what they do and you can tell. We have taken a little hiatus with piano but hope to start up in the new year again. She is still doing dance as well. I'm pretty sure the graceful ballerina is not going to be miss Kylie Marie. She's more the hip-hop, jazz kinda girl! She just got the wonderful pleasure of being Clara in their Christmas program. I was so proud of her!!!! She had a solo and was absolutely adorable. This mom was smiling from ear to ear. Hard to believe in about a month she'll be seven years old. My goodness, she is growing up so fast.

Jackson is truly the most hilarious little boy. He makes these facial expressions that I just wish I could freeze forever and never forget them. We keep saying this kid should be on tv. He would be a hit! He is so talkative and says the most funny things. I can't believe how well he can converse now. I can tell he is so smart and inquisitive. He is always studying how things work and how they are put together. He loves his trucks and trailers and has discovered Bob the Builder now too. He continues to challenge us with his silly little antics and curiosity, like pouring a coke into the dog bowl because "the dog wanted a coke." Uhhhhh, okay. He likes to get things out of the fridge and throw just about anything that will fly. He is making great friends at school and the teachers seem to enjoy him in the class. No incidents yet! Phew. We will be working on potty trainging in the new year. He is so capable of going in the potty, but it might have to be a battle of the wills. I can't wait for Christmas. He is old enough now to understand it a bit better and he is going to be so excited!!!!

Carter is growing like crazy. He's our little chubber wubbers. He is smiling and giggling much more these days and is really enjoying using his little hands to grab things. I love to watch him play with his little toys - adorable! He's found his voice too! We are getting a bit more sleep these days. He can make it until about 2 or 3 in his swing and then he's with me the rest of the night. We're working on getting him out of our bed, so I hope we can make that transition soon. He started his rice cereal which he does not like, but I'll keep trying. I'm surprised somewhat since he is such a big eater, but I think it's just the texture of it. I had a dream last night that he rolled over, so maybe that will happen soon:) I am anxious for him to sit up and play with his toys!

I am looking forward to a fun Christmas weekend with our families. So thankful for Jesus and God's abundant grace.