Friday, October 26, 2012

Tippy Toes

Any of you that know us well know Kylie has walked on her tiptoes since just about forever.  I don't recall at what point she stopped walking flat foot, but I would say by the time she was two years old, she was walking on her toes.  People used to always say how cute it was and "is she in ballet" all the time, but I never paid much attention.  It was just a part of my Kylie.  I didn't think a thing of it until she was in her 3 year old preschool class and her teacher mentioned it to me out of concern.  I was a little taken back thinking, well who cares if she walks on her toes?  So, I didn't really pay attention.  Then, when she was in her Pre-K class, her teacher said the same thing (out of concern).  This time I started to wonder if maybe there was something I was missing.  Is this really an issue?  Why do people feel the need to mention it?  I decided to take her to an orthopedic just to make sure I knew there was nothing to worry about.  Sure enough, the doctor said no worries, she'll grow out of it as she gets bigger... come see me again in a year if she's not walking on her heels yet. 

Well, a year later we were back in his office.  Same thing - no worries... she'll come down off her toes as she grows.  She's still really young.  Okay doctor, we'll see you next year if nothing changes.  Well, you get the point.

Not to today and four doctor's visits later... she's still up on her toes just as much as she was when she was two.  Much bigger now, but not standing any shorter:)  It's actually quite amazing to watch.  If you ever try to stand on your toes for any good length of time you'll see just how difficult it is.

This is the hard part for me as a mom.  My little tip-toe walker is my baby girl.  She's always walked that way and it's who she is.  I love that about her.  It makes her unique and it represents her sweet, carefree personality.  She just flutters about!

We've decided to take her to the Scottish Rite hospital in Dallas.  We'll see the doctor on Monday to have her evaluated for heel chord lengthening in December. We've been told she'll be down for about 7-10 days and then be in walking casts for around 6 weeks.  I'm anxious to learn more on Monday when we visit Dr. Socato.  He is supposed to be an amazing surgeon.

For now, I'll enjoy my little tip-toer for a little longer:)  I know she'll be the same sweet girl, but this mama's heart will miss her floating about!