Friday, June 28, 2013

Get Fired Up...Jackson Turns Four!!!

Anyone who has ever known Jackson for even a short time would know he LOVES anything that has to do with firefighters.  He got some fireman rain boots for Christmas and has worn them almost every, single day since (including both his school pictures).  Not only does he typically wear the boots, but he is likely adorned with the fireman hat as well!  I can't tell you how many giggles and smiles he's gotten over the past 6 months or so.  It is hilarious.  In honor of his current love for fireman, we had a full on firefighter party!  Man, I planned this thing for months it seemed trying to get all the right decorations, invitations, party favors.  I've never spent so long on a party before.  For some reason, it was really important to get it right for him.
We invited all his classmates from both schools and family to Loco-Motion (our local inflatable place) for some jumpy, fireman fun!  My sweet family helped me get everything set up since they only gave me about 15 minutes to do it (yikes).

The kids jumped for a little over an hour and then we ate some grub and had the amazing fire cupcakes Grandma Debbie made!

After the party, we packed up and headed straight to the fire station where a friend of Uncle Luke's is a fireman!  Whoooohoooo!  He made the visit so special for them.  Seriously, he was so patient with them and showed them so many things.  I'm talking firetruck rides, getting to put out a real fire with the hose going full blast, opening up a fire hydrant, and then to top it all off, he gives Jackson a real firefighter's helmet.  It was a man who is now serving in the military but used to work there.  How cool is that?  Lieutenant Mark Frost is Jackson's hero!!!
I hope he remembers this special day forever!