Friday, June 3, 2011

Jackson Turns Two!

Pure joy on this little man's face! He was so excited to blow out his candle I had to light it twice.

My little boy turned two! Wow, it's hard to believe he's already two years old. He had such a great time at his birthday party at Gymboree. He takes a class there on Tuesdays with Grandma and his teacher Aaron did his party. Aaron was awesome and really helped the kids have fun. There were maracahs, bubbles, parachutes, balls, jumping, you name it - they loved it. Kylie was such a good big sister and really heped make the party fun for everyone.

The theme of the party was trains of course!!! Are we noticing a trend here?

It's amazing how much he's changed just even in the past few months. He went from saying a few words to sentences and can pretty much repeat anything. I have been amazed at how quickly he is changing. He actually learned how to crawl out of his crib on his birthday too. No fun for us, but it will make the transition to his big boy bed a bit easier for us to do before little man #2 arrives. So, now he comes into my room and says "Mommy Get Up". It really is adorable how he says it no matter how much I really don't want to get up. I still think one of my favorite things he says is "Cuse me" meaning "excuse me". It is so darn cute. Or maybe how he says lollipop like poppypop.

He wants to walk everywhere and does not like to have to sit in the stroller or be carried. The only problem is - he's an escape artist! He will get away from us so fast it's scary. So, that continues to be a challenge. Playing outside is still his most favorite activity. Anything where he can climb, run, throw balls, and just be a rambunctious little boy makes him happy. His favorite toys are his trains, grocery cart, hammer (that's so much fun), his old-school puppy on wheels, and his little cars.
He likes to eat little pancakes every morning and that is typically what he asks for first thing. He still has a major attachment to "roar" his lion. It is very well-loved. He still loves his suckies too. That's going to be a hard habit to break - yikes. His crocs are his favorite shoes and pretty much the only ones he won't take off all the time. He loves to run around the backyard completely naked. I don't know why kids like that so much; Kylie was the same way. FREEDOM!!!! His favorite foods are pizza, oranges, pancakes, chicken, broccoli, and any kind of snack cracker really.
He gets very irritated with bugs that fly in his face or jump on him and he does not like to share mommy. He and Kylie like to have "mommy wars." Having another one could make things very interesting indeed! I'm so blessed by this little boy. He is certainly keeping us very busy, but he's truly a joy.