Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break 2012 Day Three

Off to Cabela's!!!Who doesn't love Cabela's?  Grandpa Roy even came with us on this adventure.  Kylie and Grandma Mary used to go to Cabela's quite a bit, but she hadn't been there in a long time.  Despite the cool animals and the huge fish tank, it seems like Jackson's favorite part was the big staircase - sheesh.
I think this store is so stinkin' cool.  All those neat animals in their true form.  Awesome.  And, the fish tank is quite a sight to see as well. Carter really liked this part!

 It's annoying that this is sideways - grrrrr.

When we went upstairs, the kids had fun playing in all the tents and shooting the laser guns.  Then, it was time for a bite to eat.  So, hot dogs for the kiddos and it was off to see more of the store.  Kylie even got a "Sic 'Em Bears" picture!